Thursday, March 22, 2007

A chocolate shortage!?!

This is terrifying. While I am grateful that the whole world is now asking for better chocolate I refuse to accept that I might be rationed.

“World chocolate shortage ahead?” This was the heading that popped up on the MSN homepage when I opened my browser tonight. Apparently the trend towards high cocoa percentage chocolate has led to a 44% increase in the price of cocoa over the last eighteen months. World cocoa production is decreasing, while demand is increasing.

Now, I’m certain there’s no need to panic yet. I am sure that farmers will soon convert their banana plantations to cacao, and all will be right again with the world. Given Monday’s news, it is imperative for the future of the health of all mankind that we all have affordable access to chocolate.

Just in case… I think I might start stockpiling.

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